HATE HUNTERS - the game

Impressions from the game which was developed with young people from all over Europe


Welcome to the world of HATE HUNTERS - developed for kids with kids! Beyond traditional games, this mobile 80s arcade-style game tackles real-life challenges such as hate speech and online extremism. While the player has fun playing the Jump 'n' Run game and fighting the spread of hate in BitCity, he/she becomes aware of the bigger problem through brief information between game levels. HATE HUNTERS thus becomes a catalyst for in-depth conversations and effective learning. HATE HUNTERS is not just a game; it is a journey towards mutual understanding and positive change.


Educational material to accompany the game

A handbook for youth workers explains in detail how the game can be used in educational practice, youth work and schools. In addition to basic information on the topic of gaming culture and hate speech, the handbook also offers concrete suggestions for the practical application of the game.

Handbook for youth workers

age recommendation

The game is best suited for young people aged 12 to 18. It does not use any vulgar language and discusses hate speech in a very basic way, making it a good introduction to the problem area.

The four game levels

LEVEL 1: hate speech invades bitcity

In the first level, the Hate Hunter learns how to combat hate speech in BitCity - namely by converting hate symbols or Hate Tracks with stickers into more positive appearances. However, if Hate Tracks are not pasted over quickly enough, the toxic waste level rises and you lose the game. In the first level, we also meet the first hate speech monsters, the Toxicators, who constantly spread new Hate Tracks and pollute the city. Learn to defeat these monsters by pushing them into the green portal and making them disappear.

Hate enters BitCity

Cure sick inhabitants of BitCity

Level 2: saving bitizens

As the game progresses, the Hate Hunter realises that the inhabitants of BitCity are becoming ill from the city's toxic atmosphere. However, you can heal them by pushing them into healing cabins, for which you are rewarded with new stickers. At the same time, the fight against hate speech monsters continues as they become more numerous and spread more Hate Tracks in BitCity.

Level 3: Fight new hate monsters

In level three, another type of monster appears, the Crawler. Although this makes the challenge even greater, the Hate Hunter is given new equipment: colour grenades. The Hate Hunter can use these to fight all hate speech monsters and send them back into the green portal. However, if you don't manage to neutralise the monsters quickly enough and paste over Hate Tracks, you lose health and the game.

Stun Crawlers with paint cannons

Defeat the Last Toxicator in the final battle

Level 4: defeat the final boss

In the final level, the Hate Hunter encounters the Last Toxicator, who is responsible for contaminating BitCity with hate speech. Cut him off from the green lines that supply him with energy and save BitCity and its inhabitants. But the fight against hate speech doesn't end there. In the real world, people spread hate online every day. As Hate Hunters, we are standing up against it!